🚶‍♂️ Walkthrough: Implementing a plugin data parser#

Implementing a native plugin data parser can be easy. Below is a walkthrough for implementing a simple effect, Fruity Balance.



The steps ahead assume that you have an understanding of how binary data types (C’s integral types, in this context) work along with a basic understanding of Python itself.

  1. Note the parameters exposed by the plugin

Fruity Balance paramerers

Also take note of the order in which they occur. Here its Balance followed by Volume.

  1. Prepare a test FLP

Create an empty new FLP, add a Fruity Balance to one of the insert slots.

Fruity Balance in an insert slot

Save this FLP as fruity-balance.flp.

  1. Getting the plugin data

Since this is an empty FLP, with no other plugins loaded, you can simply access the plugin data by,

import pyflp
from pyflp.plugin import PluginID

# Parse the FLP file into a project
project = pyflp.parse("fruity-balance.flp")

# Collect all the events as a dict of ID to event
events = project.events_asdict()

# Get the first plugin data event - the Fruity Balance one itself
plugin_data_event = events[PluginID.Data][0]

# Get the raw data and convert it to a tuple of 8-bit unsigned integers
data = tuple(bytearray(plugin_data_event._struct))
  1. Observe and analyze the output

▶ You will get an output like this:

(0, 0, 0, 0, 256, 0, 0, 0)

That’s a total of 8 bytes worth of data for 2 knobs.

FL Studio generally uses 4 bytes for most type of data, so let’s assume each knob takes 4 bytes.

Now compare it with the positions of the knobs in Fruity Balance.

Observe knob positions

‼ Suddenly the data above makes sense.

How? Let me explain.

  • Balance knob is at 12 o’ clock

  • Volume knob is somewhere at 80% of its maximum.

Now convert the 8-bit integer tuple into a two 32-bit integer tuple. We get the values 0 and 256 respectively. So, now we know, that Balance is 0 (because its centred) and Volume is at 256. Also, since we didn’t modify them at all, these are the default values.

🥳 Success! We cracked it!

  1. Exercise: Find out the minimum and maximums (optional, but recommended)

By rotating the knobs to their extremes and following steps 3-4 again, you can find out the minimum and maximums of each knob.


One very important place for finding out the extremes is the hint panel.

FL Studio hint panel
  1. Writing the plugin code

ℹ All plugins are implemented in the pyflp.plugin module.


Take care to follow the naming conventions as shown below.

Begin with writing the code for the plugin event:

class FruityBalanceEvent(StructEventBase):
    STRUCT = c.Struct("pan" / c.Int32ul, "volume" / c.Int32ul).compile()


What is c.Struct?

PyFLP uses the construct library to define and binary structures. Its a fairly simple to understand declarative binary parser creator.


Call construct.Struct.compile() to get a faster version of the “Struct”. Check <https://construct.readthedocs.io/en/latest/compilation.html> for more information.

Now create a model for the event we just created in the same module:

class FruityBalance(_PluginBase[FruityBalanceEvent]):
    pan = _PluginDataProp[int]()
    volume = _PluginDataProp[int]()

You don’t need to worry about _PluginBase and _PluginDataProp. They are implementation-level details, you don’t generally need to worry about.

Derive our newly create FruityBalance from _IPlugin and implement it:


Don’t forget to do this. Otherwise the event will not be parsed.

class FruityBalance(_PluginBase[FruityBalanceEvent], _IPlugin):
    INTERNAL_NAME = "Fruity Balance"
    pan = _PluginDataProp[int]()
    volume = _PluginDataProp[int]()


Use FLPEdit to find out INTERNAL_NAME of a plugin.

🎉 And that’s basically it. The implementation is complete! Now all we need to do is glue FruityBalanceEvent and FruityBalance to the effect slot’s pyflp.mixer.Slot.plugin attribute.

  1. Glue the implementation to pyflp.mixer.Slot:

Import our newly created classes in pyflp.mixer and add an entry to pyflp.mixer.Slot.plugin like so:

plugin = PluginProp(
     FruityBalanceEvent: FruityBalance,