
class pyflp.arrangement.Arrangements[source]#

Iterator over arrangements in the project and some related properties.

__getitem__(i: int | str | slice) Arrangement[source]#

Returns an arrangement based either on its index or name.


i โ€“ The index of the arrangement in which they occur or of the arrangement to lookup for or a slice of indexes.


ModelNotFound โ€“ An Arrangement with the specifed name or index isnโ€™t found.

__iter__() Iterator[Arrangement][source]#

Yields Arrangement found in the project.


NoModelsFound โ€“ When no arrangements are found.

__len__() int[source]#

The number of arrangements present in the project.


NoModelsFound โ€“ When no arrangements are found.

property current: Arrangement | None#

Currently selected arrangement (via FLโ€™s interface).


ModelNotFound โ€“ When the underlying event value points to an invalid arrangement index.

property loop_pos: tuple[int, int] | None#

Playlist loop start and end points. PPQ dependant.

Changed in version v2.1.0: ArrangementsID.PLSelection is used by default while ArrangementsID._LoopPos is a fallback.

property max_tracks: Literal[500, 199]#
time_signature: TimeSignature#

Project time signature (also used by playlist).

Options โ€ฃ Project general settings โ€ฃ Time settings

class pyflp.arrangement.ArrangementsID[source]#
TimeSigNum = 17#
TimeSigBeat = 18#
Current = 100#
_LoopPos = 152#
PLSelection = 217#

New in version v2.1.0.