Source code for pyflp.project

# PyFLP - An FL Studio project file (.flp) parser
# Copyright (C) 2022 demberto
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <>.

"""Contains the class (and types it uses) used by the parser and serializer."""

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import enum
import math
import pathlib
from typing import Final, Literal, cast

import construct as c
import construct_typed as ct
from typing_extensions import TypedDict, Unpack

from pyflp._descriptors import EventProp, KWProp
from pyflp._events import (
from pyflp._models import EventModel
from pyflp.arrangement import ArrangementID, Arrangements, ArrangementsID, TrackID
from import ChannelID, ChannelRack, DisplayGroupID, RackID
from pyflp.exceptions import PropertyCannotBeSet
from pyflp.mixer import InsertID, Mixer, MixerID, SlotID
from pyflp.pattern import PatternID, Patterns, PatternsID
from pyflp.plugin import PluginID
from pyflp.timemarker import TimeMarkerID
from pyflp.types import FLVersion

__all__ = ["PanLaw", "Project", "FileFormat", "VALID_PPQS"]

_DELPHI_EPOCH: Final = datetime.datetime(1899, 12, 30)
MIN_TEMPO: Final = 10.000
"""Minimum tempo (in BPM) FL Studio supports."""

VALID_PPQS: Final = (24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 384, 768, 960)
"""PPQs / timebase supported by FL Studio as of its latest version."""

class TimestampEvent(StructEventBase):
    STRUCT = c.Struct("created_on" / c.Float64l, "time_spent" / c.Float64l).compile()

[docs]@enum.unique class PanLaw(ct.EnumBase): """Used by :attr:`Project.pan_law`.""" Circular = 0 Triangular = 2
[docs]@enum.unique class FileFormat(enum.IntEnum): """File formats used by FL Studio. *New in FL Studio v2.5.0*: FST (FL Studio state) file format. """ None_ = -1 """Temporary file.""" Project = 0 """FL Studio project (.flp).""" Score = 0x10 """FL Studio score (.fsc). Stores pattern notes and controller events.""" Automation = 24 """Stores controller events and automation channels as FST.""" ChannelState = 0x20 """Entire channel (including plugin events). Stored as FST.""" PluginState = 0x30 """Events of a native plugin on a channel or insert slot. Stored as FST.""" GeneratorState = 0x31 """Plugins events of a VST instrument. Stored as FST.""" FXState = 0x32 """Plugin events of a VST effect. Stored as FST.""" InsertState = 0x40 """Insert and all its slots. Stored as FST.""" _ProbablyPatcher = 0x50 # * Patcher presets are stored as `PluginState`.
[docs]class ProjectID(EventEnum): LoopActive = (9, BoolEvent) ShowInfo = (10, BoolEvent) _Volume = (12, U8Event) PanLaw = (23, U8Event) Licensed = (28, BoolEvent) _TempoCoarse = WORD + 2 Pitch = (WORD + 16, I16Event) _TempoFine = WORD + 29 #: 3.4.0+ CurGroupId = (DWORD + 18, I32Event) Tempo = (DWORD + 28, U32Event) FLBuild = (DWORD + 31, U32Event) Title = TEXT + 2 Comments = TEXT + 3 Url = TEXT + 5 _RTFComments = TEXT + 6 #: 1.2.10+ FLVersion = (TEXT + 7, AsciiEvent) Licensee = TEXT + 8 #: 1.3.9+ DataPath = TEXT + 10 #: 9.0+ Genre = TEXT + 14 #: 5.0+ Artists = TEXT + 15 #: 5.0+ Timestamp = (DATA + 29, TimestampEvent)
class _ProjectKW(TypedDict): channel_count: int ppq: int format: FileFormat
[docs]class Project(EventModel): """Represents an FL Studio project.""" def __init__(self, events: EventTree, **kw: Unpack[_ProjectKW]) -> None: super().__init__(events, **kw) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<Project(format={self.format!r}, version={self.version!r}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"FL Studio v{self.version!s} {}" # type: ignore @property def arrangements(self) -> Arrangements: """Provides an iterator over arrangements and other related properties.""" arrnew_occured = False def select(e: AnyEvent) -> Literal[True] | None: nonlocal arrnew_occured if == ArrangementID.New: arrnew_occured = True # * Prevents accidentally passing on Pattern's timemarkers # TODO This logic will still be incorrect if arrangement's # timemarkers occur before ArrangementID.New event. if in TimeMarkerID and arrnew_occured: return True if in (*ArrangementID, *ArrangementsID, *TrackID): return True return Arrangements(, channels=self.channels, patterns=self.patterns, version=self.version, ) artists = EventProp[str](ProjectID.Artists) """Authors / artists info. to be embedded in exported WAV & MP3. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Author` *New in FL Studio v5.0.* """ @property def channel_count(self) -> int: """Number of channels in the rack. For Patcher presets, the total number of plugins used inside it. Raises: ValueError: When a value less than zero is tried to be set. """ return self._kw["channel_count"] @channel_count.setter def channel_count(self, value: int) -> None: if value < 0: raise ValueError("Channel count cannot be less than zero") self._kw["channel_count"] = value @property def channels(self) -> ChannelRack: """Provides an iterator over channels and channel rack properties.""" def select(e: AnyEvent) -> bool | None: if == InsertID.Flags: return False if in (*ChannelID, *DisplayGroupID, *PluginID, *RackID): return True return ChannelRack(, channel_count=self.channel_count, ) comments = EventProp[str](ProjectID.Comments, ProjectID._RTFComments) """Comments / project description / summary. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Comments` Caution: Very old versions of FL used to store comments in RTF (Rich Text Format). PyFLP makes no efforts to parse that and stores it like a normal string as it is. It is upto you to extract the text out of it. """ # Stored as a duration in days since the Delphi epoch (30 Dec, 1899). @property def created_on(self) -> datetime.datetime | None: """The local date and time on which this project was created. Located at the bottom of :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info` page. """ if ProjectID.Timestamp in event = cast(TimestampEvent, return _DELPHI_EPOCH + datetime.timedelta(days=event["created_on"]) format = KWProp[FileFormat]() """Internal format marker used by FL Studio to distinguish between types.""" @property def data_path(self) -> pathlib.Path | None: """The absolute path used by FL to store all your renders. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project general settings --> Data folder` *New in FL Studio v9.0.0.* """ if ProjectID.DataPath in return pathlib.Path( @data_path.setter def data_path(self, value: str | pathlib.Path) -> None: if ProjectID.DataPath not in raise PropertyCannotBeSet(ProjectID.DataPath) if isinstance(value, pathlib.Path): value = str(value) path = "" if value == "." else value = path genre = EventProp[str](ProjectID.Genre) """Genre of the song to be embedded in exported WAV & MP3. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Genre` *New in FL Studio v5.0*. """ licensed = EventProp[bool](ProjectID.Licensed) """Whether the project was last saved with a licensed copy of FL Studio. Tip: Setting this to `True` and saving back the FLP will make it load the next time in a trial version of FL if it wouldn't open before. """ # Internally, this is jumbled up. Thanks to @codecat/libflp for decode algo. @property def licensee(self) -> str | None: """The license holder's username who last saved the project file. If saved with a trial version this is empty. Tip: As of the latest version, FL doesn't check for the contents of this for deciding whether to open or not when in trial version. *New in FL Studio v1.3.9*. """ if ProjectID.Licensee in event = licensee = bytearray() for idx, char in enumerate(event.value): c1 = ord(char) - 26 + idx c2 = ord(char) + 49 + idx for num in c1, c2: if chr(num).isalnum(): licensee.append(num) break return licensee.decode("ascii") @licensee.setter def licensee(self, value: str) -> None: if self.version < FLVersion(1, 3, 9): pass if ProjectID.Licensee not in raise PropertyCannotBeSet(ProjectID.Licensee) event = licensee = bytearray() for idx, char in enumerate(value): c1 = ord(char) + 26 - idx c2 = ord(char) - 49 - idx for cp in c1, c2: if 0 < cp <= 127: licensee.append(cp) break event.value = licensee.decode("ascii") looped = EventProp[bool](ProjectID.LoopActive) """Whether a portion of the playlist is selected.""" main_pitch = EventProp[int](ProjectID.Pitch) """:guilabel:`Master pitch` (in cents). Min = -1200. Max = +1200. Defaults to 0.""" main_volume = EventProp[int](ProjectID._Volume) """*Changed in FL Studio v1.7.6*: Can be upto 125% (+5.6dB) now.""" @property def mixer(self) -> Mixer: """Provides an iterator over inserts and other mixer related properties.""" inserts_began = False def select(e: AnyEvent) -> Literal[True] | None: nonlocal inserts_began if in (*MixerID, *InsertID, *SlotID): # TODO Find a more reliable to detect when inserts start. inserts_began = True return True if inserts_began and in PluginID: return True return Mixer(, version=self.version) @property def patterns(self) -> Patterns: """Returns a collection of patterns and other related properties.""" arrnew_occured = False def select(e: AnyEvent) -> Literal[True] | None: nonlocal arrnew_occured if == ArrangementID.New: arrnew_occured = True # * Prevents accidentally passing on Arrangement's timemarkers elif in TimeMarkerID and not arrnew_occured: return True elif in (*PatternID, *PatternsID): return True return Patterns( pan_law = EventProp[PanLaw](ProjectID.PanLaw) """Whether a circular or a triangular pan law is used for the project. :menuselection:`Options -> &Project general settings -> Advanced -> Panning law` """ @property def ppq(self) -> int: """Pulses per quarter. ![]( :menuselection:`Options --> &Project general settings --> Timebase (PPQ)`. Note: All types of lengths, positions and offsets internally use the PPQ as a multiplying factor. Danger: Don't try to set this property, it affects all the length, position and offset calculations used for deciding the placement of playlist, automations, timemarkers and patterns. When you change this in FL, it recalculates all the above. It is beyond PyFLP's scope to properly recalculate the timings. Raises: ValueError: When a value not in ``VALID_PPQS`` is tried to be set. *Changed in FL Studio v2.1.1*: Defaults to ``96``. """ return self._kw["ppq"] @ppq.setter def ppq(self, value: int) -> None: if value not in VALID_PPQS: raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {VALID_PPQS}; got {value} instead") self._kw["ppq"] = value show_info = EventProp[bool](ProjectID.ShowInfo) """Whether to show a banner while the project is loading inside FL Studio. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Show info on opening` The banner shows the :attr:`title`, :attr:`artists`, :attr:`genre`, :attr:`comments` and :attr:`url`. """ title = EventProp[str](ProjectID.Title) """Name of the song / project. :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Title` """ # Stored internally as the actual BPM * 1000 as an integer. @property def tempo(self) -> int | float | None: """Tempo at the current position of the playhead (in BPM). ![]( Raises: TypeError: When a fine-tuned tempo (``float``) isn't supported. Use an ``int`` (coarse tempo) value. PropertyCannotBeSet: If underlying event isn't found. ValueError: When a tempo outside the allowed range is set. * *Changed in FL Studio v1.4.2*: Max tempo increased to ``999`` (int). * *New in FL Studio v3.4.0*: Fine tuned tempo (a float). * *Changed in FL Studio v11*: Max tempo limited to ``522.000``. Probably when tempo automations """ if ProjectID.Tempo in return / 1000 tempo = None if ProjectID._TempoCoarse in tempo = if ProjectID._TempoFine in tempo += / 1000 return tempo @tempo.setter def tempo(self, value: int | float) -> None: if self.tempo is None: raise PropertyCannotBeSet(ProjectID.Tempo, ProjectID._TempoCoarse, ProjectID._TempoFine) max_tempo = 999.0 if FLVersion(1, 4, 2) <= self.version < FLVersion(11) else 522.0 if isinstance(value, float) and self.version < FLVersion(3, 4, 0): raise TypeError("Expected an 'int' object got a 'float' instead") if float(value) > max_tempo or float(value) < MIN_TEMPO: raise ValueError(f"Invalid tempo {value}; expected {MIN_TEMPO}-{max_tempo}") if ProjectID.Tempo in = int(value * 1000) if ProjectID._TempoFine in tempo_fine = int((value - math.floor(value)) * 1000) = tempo_fine if ProjectID._TempoCoarse in = math.floor(value) @property def time_spent(self) -> datetime.timedelta | None: """Time spent on the project since its creation. ![]( Located at the bottom of :menuselection:`Options --> &Project info` page. """ if ProjectID.Timestamp in event = cast(TimestampEvent, return datetime.timedelta(days=event["time_spent"]) url = EventProp[str](ProjectID.Url) """:menuselection:`Options --> &Project info --> Web link`.""" # Internally represented as a string with a format of # `` *where `build` is optional, since older # versions of FL didn't follow the same versioning scheme*. # # To maintain backward compatibility with FL Studio prior to v11.5 which # stored strings in ASCII, this event is always stored with ASCII data, # even if the rest of the strings use Windows Unicode (UTF16). @property def version(self) -> FLVersion: """The version of FL Studio which was used to save the file. ![]( Located at the top of :menuselection:`Help --> &About` page. Caution: Changing this to a lower version will not make a file load magically inside FL Studio, as newer events and/or plugins might have been used. Raises: PropertyCannotBeSet: This error should NEVER occur; if it does, it indicates possible corruption. ValueError: When a string with an invalid format is tried to be set. """ event = cast(AsciiEvent, return FLVersion(*tuple(int(part) for part in event.value.split("."))) @version.setter def version(self, value: FLVersion | str | tuple[int, ...]) -> None: if ProjectID.FLVersion not in raise PropertyCannotBeSet(ProjectID.FLVersion) if isinstance(value, FLVersion): parts = [value.major, value.minor, value.patch] if is not None: parts.append( elif isinstance(value, str): parts = [int(part) for part in value.split(".")] else: parts = list(value) if len(parts) < 3 or len(parts) > 4: raise ValueError("Expected format:") version = ".".join(str(part) for part in parts) = version if len(parts) == 4 and ProjectID.FLBuild in = parts[3]